distance: 0-20km
clothing: socks, tights, long sleeve t-shirt, regular t-shirt, warm hat, gloves
surface: beach and dunes
conditions: first some tail wind, then a strong and cold head wind.
position: after a gentle start, I catch up with front runner Pascal van Norden, then team up with him and Pieter Mans to fight against the wind. After the first stretch of sand, I pull away from my two companions, then battle against the wind for a second run on the beach, in soft sand and at high tide. I nevertheless enjoy it, as I always do on the surface that reminds me so much of home!
distance: 20-30km
clothing: shorts, long sleeve t-shirt, t-shirt, regular hat, gloves
surface: gravel path
conditions: head wind
position: gently pulling away from Mans and van Norden, who have the advantage of working together against the wind. I come through half way in 2h05'. Way too slow to break the course record of 3h57'.
distance: 30-45km
clothing: shorts, t-shirt, hat, gloves
surface: smooth asphalt
conditions: tail wind, nice and sunny. Great running weather!
position: running at 3:40-3:50/km and quickly extending my lead over my rivals, I recover some of my lost time, briefly getting some hope of finishing sub-4h.
distance: 45-57km
clothing: shorts and t-shirt
surface: mostly asphalt, some cobble stones
conditions: tail wind
position: losing some momentum due to a few sharp turns in the picturesque village of Oosterend, and beginning to run out of fuel, I gradually give up hope of a fast finish time. So I sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery.
distance: 57-60km
clothing: shorts and t-shirt
surface: asphalt
conditions: head wind, slightly uphill!
position: with victory in the bag, I take it easy during the last two miles, allowing me to finish in style, after 4h03'12".
1h44'13" later, my dad arrives as well. Not being in such a rush, he has enjoyed the race even more than I did. Another hour later, I receive the first prize: an old shoe of Jan Knippenberg! I get to keep this coveted trophy for two years, until the next edition of this great event.
Full steam ahead with a tail wind and fellow geologist Furu Mienis for support (picture taken by Erik van Echten). |